Thu. Sep 5th, 2024

    Table of Contents

    Forms of government 

    Anarchy : 

     A state or country is said to be in anarchy when there is no law and order; in simple words, we can say that a country or state has no controlling system or authority.

    FORMS OF GOVT anarchy

    A person is said to be an anarchist who does not want any law or order situation.

    Aristocracy: A state or country where a noble person make a decision or have complete authority and power

    forms of govt


    When a single person holds power or authority of any state, we say that the state is in autocracy form. It is just like one men’s show.


     : it is a form of government where power or authority is in the hands of old or senior peoples 


     : in this form of government, authority or power is in the hands of government officials rather than those who are elected through election


     : it is the form of govt where people elect their representative through the election and then those representative form government, and authority and power is in their hands


     : a state or country is said to be in a state of kakistocracy where power or authority is in the hands of worst or least qualified persons


     : A state of the country is said to be in neocracy form where power is in the hand of inexperience or new peoples


    : in an oligarchy, power or authority is in the hand of a few peoples or group of peoples who enjoy the most power over the majority


     : in this form, power or authority is enjoyed by wealthy peoples 


    : a state or government is said to be secular, where people from any religion can come into power or authority



     in this form of government where a single person has authority or power, he is said to be king or queen or monarch just like Uk and Kingdom of Suadi ARABIA where authority and power is in single person hand

    forms of govt monarchy


    : in this form of government, power and authority is in the hand of a religious scholar or the person who has more knowledge of religion

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