Famous Inventions theories and discoveries in the world
1 Galileo was the first in the world who discover the rotation of the earth
2. Kohler and Milstein discovered monoclonal antibodies.
3. Mathew Barry invented photography
4. Albert Sabin was first medicine expert who invented the Polio vaccine (oral)
5. Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev was a Russian, and he was the first man who published his first version of the periodic table in 1869.
6. James Clark was the first one world who invent the x-ray machine
7. Arthur Campton was the first one who discovered x-rays and Cosmic rays.
8. Chadwick discovered Neutron
9. Galileo invented the telescope
10. Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin
11. Noble gases discovered by Cavendish
12. Gun powder was first invented in China for the first time in the world
13. for the first time in the world, the Velocity of light was measured by Michelson
14. Archimedes was the first man who gave laws about Floatation of Bodies
15. Balloon fly up in the air can be explained by according to Archimedes’s principle
16. Dr Christian Bernard was the first surgeon to perform a heart transplant in 1967 in cape town(SA)
17. Dr Barney B. Clark is the first man who received an artificial heart
18. Barometer was invented by Pascal
19. Robert Hook discovered Cell in 1665
20. Atomic theory is given by Dalton
21. Mosley gives the atomic number
22. Bacteria by Leeunhock
23. Blood circulation by William Harvey
24. Calculus by Newton
25. Co2 by Fischer
26. Chlorine by K. Scheele
27. Oxygen by Priestley
28. Hydrogen by Cavendish
29. Dynamite by Alfred B. Nobel
30. DNA by Watson Crick
31. Electric resistance by Ohm
32. Electrolysis by Faraday
33. Electron by J.J. Thomson in 1897
34. Neutron by Chadwick
35. Proton by Rutherford
36. Ozone by Echonbein
37. Radioactivity by Becquerel
38. Insulin by Banting & Best
39. Human heart transplant by Bernard
40. Vaccine (smallpox) by Edward Jenner
41. Atom Bomb by Otto Hahn
42. Airplane (jet engine) by Ohlin
43. Balloon by Mont Golfer
44. Barometer by Torricelli
45. Bicycle (modern) by Starley
46. Bifocal lens by Benjamin Franklin
47. Burner (gas) by Bunsen
48. Calculating machine (digital) by Charles Babbage
49. Camera (photographic) by Josef N. Niepce
50. Computer (electronic) by J.P.Eckert and J.W.Mauckly
51. Eastman Kodak invented the digital camera
52. Gas engine by Daimler
53. Electric fan by wheeler
54. Electric motor by Michael Faraday
55. Gun powder by Roger Bacon
56. Gas engine (four-cycle) was invented by Otto and Daimler
57. Jet engine by Frank Whittle
58. Lamp (incadecent) by Thomas Edision
59. Montgolfier invented the balloon.
60. Talbot invented photographic paper.
61. Dickenson invented the paper machine.
62. Lamp (mercury) by Hewit
63. Machine gun by Gatling
64. Microphone by Graham Bell
65. Motor cycle by Daimler
66. Pen (fountain) by Waterman
67. Pen (ball-point) John Loud Biro
68. Piano by Christopher
69. Printing press by Guten Berg
70. Radar by Watson Watt
71. Refrigerator by Ferdinand Carre
72. Rocket Engine by Goddard
73. Safety pin by Walter Hunt
74. Stainless steel by Herry Brearley
75. Stream boat by Albans
76. Telephone by Graham Bell
77. Radio by Marconi
78. Telescope (reflecting) by Galileo
79. Telescope (refracting) by Newton
80. Television (mechanical) by J.L. Baird
81. Television (electric) by Farnsworth
82. Thermometer by Galileo
83. Termomter (mercury) by Farhenheit
84. Typewriter by Henry Mill
85. Celcius devised Centrigrade scale
86. Louis Pasture discovered bacteria.
87. Goldstein discovered proton
88. Christopher Cockerel invented what: Hovercraft
89. James Dewer, in 1872, invented the Vacuum or thermos flask
90. Electron was discovered in 1897.
91. Oxygen was discovered in 1774.
92. Tomas A Edison was American.
93. Arthur Compton was the first in the world who discover X-rays and Cosmic rays
94. William Harvey discovered his blood pressure first time
95. Banting discovered insulin.
96. ECG invented by Einthogen.
97. on the 2nd Monday in October, Columbus Day is observed
98. Oxygen was the first in the world who discovered by Priestly in 1774