Wed. Jul 24th, 2024
    what are the pronouns

    What are the pronouns?

    The pronouns we use in everyday life are gender-specific, and these terms are used in many different ways. I am a girl, and I am a teacher. I am not a girl, and I am not a teacher. Many more articles on the web are examples and definitions of different pronouns in different languages and societies. However, even still, there is a lot we don’t know.

     PRONOUN Definition

    PRONOUN is the parts of speech word which is used in place of a noun or instead of a noun

    For example He, they 

    pronoun and its kinds

    Personal pronoun (what are the pronouns)

    The personal pronoun is associated with the particular person like first person, second person, and 3rd person

    For example


    I we mine us ours 

    Second person

    Yours you 


    They he her she it them their 

     Impersonal pronoun(what are the pronouns):

    The pronoun which defines or stands for a thing or verb or any non-living thing but not for a person is called impersonal pronoun 

     For example

    Speaking about whether or period 

    It is ok 

    It is summer

    It is eight o’clock

    For without life things

    Here is your watch. Take it away

    The pronoun It is used above stands for no noun whatever 

    It is all example of the impersonal pronoun

    Reflexive pronoun (what are the pronouns) :

    When the subject does the action reflects back upon the subject, then the subject is called Reflexive pronoun

    For example

    We hurt ourselves; he hurt himself, I hurt myself

    Emphatic pronoun (what are the pronouns) :

    The type of personal pronouns that are used for the sake of emphasis is called emphatic pronoun

    For example

    She herself says so, I will do it myself, we saw the president himself

    Here words herself myself himself are used are emphatic pronouns

    Demonstrative pronoun (what are the pronouns) :

    The pronoun that is used to point out the object to which they refer and are therefore called demonstrative pronouns 

    For example 

    This is the present from my aunty

    Sukkur mangoes are better than those of Karachi 

    That is seaport

    This these are demonstrative 

    Indefinite pronoun (pronoun and its kinds):

    The pronouns which refer to persons or things in a general way but do not refer to any person or thing in particular are called indefinite pronoun

    For example

    One hardly knows what to do 

    Do good to others 

    Many of them were Sikhs 

    Few escaped from death 

    Distributive pronoun (what are the pronouns):

    The pronoun which refers to o persons or things one at a time that is the reason they are always single and are followed by a verb in the singular 

    For example 

    Each every either neither 

    The relative pronoun (what are the pronouns) :

    The pronoun which refers or relates to some noun going before is called relative pronoun

    For example 

    Who whose whom/ who

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