did you know!!! calculating  GPA / CGPA  is this easy??????

let us first know what CGPA is and why is it so important!!!!!!

keeping a track of your grades and points has become so vital these days as everyone wants to know where they stand academically...

CGPA or GPA strikes first in everybody's mind when it comes to academic performance..

one must know that CGPA and GPA are slightly different from one another..

CGPA is used to calculate the overall academic performance of a student for entire academic degree.

while GPA is the indication of an students score on average for every subject/course he took...

usually grades are associated with numbers and  denoted with letters such as..

grade A = 4 grade B = 3  grade C = 2   and this process goes on....

now let's jump on to the calculations. we will start with calculating GPA first....

let us assume a student took 3 courses (maths, english and statistics) with each course of 5 credits.

The student obtained following grades: MATHS = B ENGLISH = A  STATISTICS = C

STEP 1: multiply the grades with their respective subjects: MATHS = B: (3*5) = 15 ENGLISH = A : (4*5) = 20 STATISTICS = C (2*5) = 10

STEP 2 : add up all the grades and divide them with the total number of credits: 15+20+10=45  45 / 15= 3  so GPA IS 3...

CGPA  is calculated by taking the mean of GPA and dividing it by total number of credits.

often institutes have their own CGPA table and different criteria as well.