Sun. Jul 21st, 2024

    9 golden tips on writing a job-winning proposal on Upwork

    Hello everyone, welcome to my blog. I hope you are fine and healthy.

    Freelancing is becoming so popular these days and many professionals are quitting their job and doing freelancing and earning more than their salary by sitting at home. There are various platforms available for freelancers to search for clients. Upwork allows clients to bid on their projects for they have to write a proposal to the client in which time and price are discussed.

    If you are a newbie freelancer and struggling to get a job on Upwork then this article is for you because in this article I will share a few to get clients on Upwork by writing a job-winning proposal to the client

    1 Start your proposal by writing the client’s name

    Don’t start your proposal by writing “sir/madam” rather than start the proposal by writing the name of the client. If you don’t know the client’s name then go look at his hiring history there and you will find the name of the client. Starting with a client’s name will have a great impact on the client because this client will be familiar with you. These clients are so busy that is why they are searching for a freelancer so most of the time they reject or don’t read the proposal Which with “sir/ madam”.

    Writing the clients name also shows the message is personalized


    2 keep your proposal short 

    As I already mentioned that these clients are very busy because of time so you must write a short proposal industry experience shows that the highest paying clients read the only short proposal.


    3 keep your proposal sweet.

    Clients don’t have time to read the long message so they hit them with authority and social proof. To make your proposal sweet you have to show them your value.


    4 don’t ask questions in your proposal

    It is a pro tip that you don’t ask questions from clients in the proposal because clients may think that you don’t have read the job description. You can ask questions from clients when clients hire you. You can also arrange or request a meeting with the client after hiring.


    5 select by milestone or by project

    These two also play a big part in winning a job through the  proposal

    Use by milestone only when there is this the steps in the job so when you select it divide your job into milestones with the price don’t select milestone when there is a single-step job 

    use By project only when there is only a single-step job so can get your money after the project

    Clients also see these two when they are looking at the proposals and selecting the correct form the fore two will impact the client that you are understanding the job description.


    6 provide solutions to the job


    Try to provide the solution to the client in a very short and sweet way don’t write the ” I understand your requirements or I understand your project” rather than give him the point solution in a very short way. By doing that client will know that you are experienced enough for his work even without saying it to him.


    7 bid price

    Selecting bid price also plays a very good role to get the job on Upwork. Try to set the bid price according to your profile rate and the client budget doesn’t demand high or very low but select the bid best bid price according to your profile and keep an eye on the client budget.


    8 time period

    The period is also very important whenever you’re looking for sending a proposal. Select project timeline by keeping an eye on your time and client requirements because and think that you have enough time to do the client work


    9 Final greetings


    Finally, to conclude your proposal any greetings like ” looking to work with you or looking forward to hearing from you” don’t say thanks or thank you it is very unprofessional for you because clients do not do anything for you to say thank him instead of that saying that says goodbye or looking forward to hearing from you.


    About Upwork

    Upwork global inc. known as Elance-desk is the American-based freelancing platform its headquarter is located in “Santa Clara and San Francisco. Upwork was founded in 2013 as Elance-desk and rebranded its name as “Upwork” in 2015. Today Upwork becomes one of the great freelancing platforms across the world because of it service and faculties that it provides to both clients and freelancers


    Eligibility criteria to work on Upwork


    1 the first eligibility criteria to work on Upwork is that you should have an account on Upwork I don’t have to work and create a free account on Upwork upload all the work samples and testimonials to build a great profile on the work.

    2 to work on Upwork your age must be 18+ because Upwork doesn’t allow under 18 people to work it is written in Upwork terms and conditions that your age must be be

    3 You should have a national identity card or passport of your country because Upwork wants only real people so after you get your first job Upwork will ask you to verify yourself by uploading your national identity card or passport    



    So these were the 9 golden rules to writing g proposal on Upwork hope you understand it. keep in mind that the freelancing field is time-consuming for the newcomers and in the start, you have to struggle a little bit to get a project so don’t lose hope so early trying to sit online according to the timelines of clients respond them as soon as possible.

    So that is it I hope you had understood these golden rules and applied them in your proposal surely you will land the job on Upwork. If you have any doubt you can ask in the comment section till then goodbye


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